
Wednesday 15 December 2021 – Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont
Please note this is a moveable feast!
We will be involving and introducing representatives from the Tech23 2021 companies during the day.


Registration with Tea/Coffee


Welcome to Country


Healthier Lives
We are throwing the full weight of the tech mix at some of our biggest health challenges. How can Australia build capabilities to diagnose, treat and eliminate our most burdensome and deadliest health conditions?


Revolutionising the way things get done
We shape our tools – thereafter, our tools shape us. Are we prepared for a new era of ’supertools’ that amplify our intelligence, accelerate invention, speed up research and revolutionise our processes? Could we retool into smarter ways of working?


Morning Tea


Reimagining the way we live to restore planet health
It is 2030. What clean, safe and unlimited energy will be ours? What infrastructure, housing, transport have we achieved in reshaping? And what will be still in the offing? Let’s discuss short-term and long-term horizons for meeting our needs while restoring planet health.


The impact of ESG on Deeptech
Many founders in the Deeptech space are focused on solving big picture problems related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). While the initial focus will be on venture capital, what does the ESG framework look like over the next decade globally which companies will need to embrace?

How will decisions, governance, finance and supply chains be impacted as we advance ESG initiatives?

What can deeptech companies do now that will support their efforts over the next decade?


Pre-lunch drinks in North


Seated for Lunch

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